Create a Deal in Hubspot as you normally would, attach a company and select the Line Item that is prepared with the Younium product Id (for more info on Younium ID see setup guide).
Fill out the Younium deal details under “About this deal”
Fields to fill out on both Company & Deal
Pls note that no field named "Younium field name"can be left empty.
On the company select your your Younium legal entity, even though you only have one legal entity.
On the deal the following custom fields must be updated with data:
- Close date
- Younium Auto renewal
- Younium initial term
- Younium legal entity
- Younium Order effective start date
- Younium renewal term
Line Item
Make sure your Line item is updated with the deal data:
Press “Edit” to update the deal to what you have agreed with your customer
Hubspot Billing frequency vs Younium price period & billing period
Since Hubspot Line Items do not have input fields that makes it possible to set price period and billing period separate of each other their field Billing frequency will become both. The outcome of this is that from Hubspot you can not create a order in Younium with different price period and billing period. They will become the same.
Also note that even though, there are more options available under “Billing Frequency” only Monthly/Quarterly/Annual will work and be synched to Younium.
Create an order in Younium by pressing the “Create order” button. Hubspot will give you a green dialogue box if the order was successfully created.
If you now press “View order Draft in Younium”, Younium will open and you get your Order Draft.
Order draft in Younium
Line item mapping
Hubspot Line item | Younium | Comment |
Product ID | External CRM ID | The integration fetches the product in Younium based on the Hubspot Product ID, this can be on Product or Charge level in Younium. |
Billing start date | Start on > Specific date | If custom start date is set in Hubspot, it is mapped to Younium |
Billing frequency | Price period | Monthly, Quarterly, Annual are supported options |
Billing frequency | Billing period | Monthly, Quarterly, Annual are supported options |
Quantity | Mapped if charge has price model Quantity in Younium | |
Pre discount amount / Quantity | List price | |
Net price / Quantity | Price |
Deals for Change Orders
Change Order is term used for when a Suscbription in Younium is changed, example of changes are upsell of new additional products, changes to existing products or downgrades. Change Orders can be processed using deals in Hubspot using Youniums Hubspot connector.
The concepts of Change Order deals is that the Deal in Hubspot is created and linked to the Younium Subscription. The deal can hold line items that are of two types: "New" - Products that will be added to the existing subscription when synched to Younium or "Change" - Products that already exist in Younium and will change the Order charge when synched to Younium.
Create Change Order Deal
A Change Order Deal is identified by two properties on the deal:
"Younium Change Type": "Change Order"
"Younium Order number": [Order number]
To make it easy to create the Change Order deal, it can be created directly from the Company in Hubspot using the Younium widget:
Navigate to. the Company record, in the Younium Account widget select "Orders and Invoices":
A window opens with data for the Company, in the bottom table you see all active Subscriptions. On the Subscription applicable for change, click "Create upsell deal" icon:
Now you can create a new Hubspot deal with prepopulated data from the Younium Subscription:
Add the relevant data and select any of the existing products from the Subscription that you want to change using this deal. You do not need to select any products that you are not planning to change using this deal.
After clicking "Create upsell deal", the deal is created and a confirmation is displayed.
In the new deal that has been created, the type is already set to "Change Order" and the "Order number" is mapped.
Add new products to the Deal
You can add new products/add-ons to the deal either by native Hubspot line item screen or by Younium Product selector. The Younium product selector can be open by navigating to the "Younium Order" widget on the deal:
Click "Select products":
Here you will see any existing line items on the Deal as well as you can add new products. To add a new product, select Product and Charge plan using the drop down on the right hand side, configure the product data and click "Add line item":
Modify/Change an existing product
To change an existing subscription product using the Deal, select the product in the Younium Product selector, modify relevant product data and click "Update line item".
Synch signed Deal to Younium
When deal is closed and ready to synch with Younium, you can select "Actions" > "Create change order" in the "Younium Order" widget on the Deal.