Getting started
Please review the requirements to use custom objects in HubSpot:
Hubspot requires a "Private app" to be able to integrate with Custom objects, the other parts of the Hubspot integration is using Younium Public App which is automatically installed and maintained by Younium.
Create a private app
The private app is required to get API credentials that Younium can use to synchronize data with the custom Hubspot objects.
Add the scopes shown in the picture. Copy the private access token and enter it in to the Hubspot settings in Younium. The private access token is needed to interact with Custom Objects in Hubspot.
The first time you click “Export orders” in Younium, Younium will create 2 Custom objects in HubSpot, “Younium Order” and “Younium order charge”. Each order in Younium will then be exported to HubSpot and mapped to a “Younium order” custom object, the same for each charge on the order.
Younium only export the latest order version and order charge version.
Accessing the data in HubSpot
You find the custom objects in your HubSpot menu:
Since Younium a Younium Order is related to a Company, you can also see this data in the Company itself:
By clicking the Order number, you access the Order record and you get a table with the Order charges:
You can in these table configure what columns you want visible.
Automatic synchronisation
Order can be synched with a scheduled job: