How to enable and configure AvaTax
Browse to Settings > Integrations > Avalara and click "Get started"
Enter your Avalara credentials and click "Validate", this will validate your credentials and if successful enable the integration. If connecting to an Avalara Sandbox, check "Is Sandbox environment" before clicking Validate.
When integration is enabled, the settings page is now updated with two configuration options:
"Sales tax calculations" - Enables integration to AvaTax to calculate tax when invoices are created (when draft invoices are created). This does not record any records in Avalara AvaTax, this only updates the draft invoices in Younium with correct calculated sales tax amount.
"Sales tax reporting" - Enables integration to AvaTax when invoices are posted, this will record the posted invoices in Avalara AvaTax.
Most common setup in Younium would be to have both these options enabled.
Enable tax calculation for selected countries
It is also necessary to configure what countries that should be enabled for Avalara AvaTax integration, this is done in the tax templates in Younium.
Browse to Settings > Accounts Receivable > Tax templates.
Enable "External Tax Engine" for the countries that are relevant to integrate with AvaTax.
Exempt codes
Exempt codes can be configured on both Customer level and Order level. Order level can be used in case a customer is exempt only at a certain address, other wise the exempt code can be set on the Customer and will be used for all Orders.
Exempt code is available in the "Custom field" section on Account and Order in Younium:
Product tax codes
It is possible to configure Avalara Tax Codes on the products in Younium. This is done by entering the Tax code in the field: "" on the Product charge in Younium:
List of tax codes are available here:
Address validation
When using AvaTax integration you get access to a live address validation service in Younium. This address validation is available when entering customer addresses:
Click "Validate" to send the entered address to validation service, Avalara will then return back a validated address that may have modified certain specifics of the address. To accept the modifications, click "Create".
Transaction flow
At the time of creating an invoice in Younium, either directly from the Order, in an Invoice batch or using API request, Younium will make an outbound request to AvaTax with the invoice information including addresses and will receive back a calculated tax amount that is updated on the newly created Draft invoice.
When a draft invoice is posted, Younium will create a transaction and post this to Avalara. The invoice is then found under "Transactions" > "Transactions" in Avalara. Younium maps the Account number of the Customer to the "Customer number" field in Avalara.