Its is possible to ad a payment directly on the invoice you want the payment to settle against.
- Open the Invoice you want to settle
- Press the Register payment button
- Fill out the payment details, its the same information as adding a payment
Reference: The standard reference will always be the invoice number and will already be in the field, but you can change the reference
Description: If you want to describe the payment
Payment Date: The day the payment was received
Payment Method: Choose the payment method you have set up
Financial Account: The payment method you have chosen has a financial account and will be automatically filled when the payment method is chosen. However, if you want to change the financial account, you can do that
Payment Amount: The amount paid by the client
If the payment is in another currency, two more fields will show up:
Exchange Rate: This will be the current exchange rate, but can be changed manually
Amount (Base Currency): What the amount will be in the base currency
(Make sure that you have set up exchange rate gains and losses in the chart of accounts and for the payment method for such procedures)
4. Post payment