Note: This integration is an add-on service with an extra fee. Contact a Younium representative or the support to inquire about this service.
Before setting up electronic invoicing for your Younium environment, it is important that your legal entity has complete information.
You can do this in Settings, Settings, and Legal Entities
Fields that have to be filled in to be able to use electronic invoicing:
- Organization Number
- Tax Registration Number
- Bank Account
- Address
- Street
- Zip
- City
- Country
Setup Process
1. Request a unique ID from Younium
To be able to use electronic invoicing in Younium, you have to request a unique ID from a representative at Younium, please talk to the Younium support or your Customer Success Manager about this.
2. Enter ID
Once you receive the ID from Younium, enter it in the Unique ID field under Settings, Integrations, Electronic Invoice:
Press Setup and the integration will be activated, your electronic invoice profile details will show up:
Use Electronic Invoicing
To set up an account for electronic invoicing, you have to:
- Invoice Delivery Method: Choose "Electronic Invoice"
- E-Invoice Address Scheme: Choose the applicable address scheme
- E-Invoice Address: Enter the client's e-invoice address (NOTE: if the scheme is SE:ORGNR, 0007 is already entered in the scheme field, therefore you only have to enter the value after 0007: in the address)
Younium invoicing will work the same as usual, except that the invoices will be sent via the electronic invoicing setup.
Field mapping Electronic invoices
Younium uses the Peppol format for all electronic invoicing, invoices are sent to Youniums electronic invoicing partner and are there mapped to the formats of the individual customers.
Peppol | Younium | Comments |
cbc:ID | Invoce number | |
cbc:IssueDate | Invoice date | |
cbc:DueDate | Due date | |
cbc:InvoiceTypeCode |
380: Invoice 381: Credit note |
cbc:TaxPointDate | Invoice date | |
cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode | Invoice currency code | |
cbc:BuyerReference | Invoice Buyer reference | Invoice Buyer reference is populated from Order Buyer reference at time of invoicing |
MIN(InvoiceLine.ServicePeriodStartDate) | |
cac:InvoicePeriod.cbc:EndDate |
MAX(InvoiceLine.ServicePeriodStartDate) | |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party |
LegalEntity.Organization number |
Scheme ID is depending on the address of the Legal entity Sweden: 0007 Norway: 0192 Denmark: 0184 Finland: 0037 Netherlands: 0106 Belgium: 0208 UK: 9932+TaxRegNumber Ireland: 0089 Germany: 9930+TaxRegNumber Czech Republic: 0154 Switzerland: 0183 Austria: 0028 |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyIdentification |
Same as above |
Scheme ID is depending on the address of the Legal entity Sweden: 0007 Norway: 0192 Denmark: 0184 Finland: 0037 Netherlands: 0106 Belgium: 0208 UK: 0089 Ireland: 0089 Germany: 0094 Czech Republic: 0154 Switzerland: 0183 Austria: 0028 |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyName.cbc:Name |
LegalEntity.Name |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PostalAddress |
LegalEntity.Address |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PostalAddress.cac:Country.cbc:IdentificationCode |
LegalEntity.Address.Country |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyTaxScheme.cbc:CompanyID |
LegalEntity.TaxRegNr |
For Norway and Sweden there is also an additional TaxScheme added with TaxScheme.ID: "TAX" and CompanyID: "Foretaksregisteret" or "Godkänd för F-skatt" |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyTaxScheme.cac:TaxScheme.cbc:ID |
"VAT" |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyLegalEntity.cbc:RegistrationName |
LegalEntity.Name |
cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyLegalEntity.cbc:CompanyID |
LegalEntity.Organization number |
Scheme ID is depending on the address of the Legal entity Sweden: 0007 Norway: 0192 Denmark: 0184 Finland: 0037 Netherlands: 0106 Belgium: 0208 UK: 0089 Ireland: 0089 Germany: 0094 Czech Republic: 0154 Switzerland: 0183 Austria: 0028 |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cbc:EndpointID |
InvoiceAccount.ElectronicInvoice address and Scheme |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyIdentification.cbc:ID |
InvoiceAccount.Organization number |
Scheme ID is depending on the address of the Invoice account Sweden: 0007 Norway: 0192 Denmark: 0184 Finland: 0037 Netherlands: 0106 Belgium: 0208 UK: 0089 Ireland: 0089 Germany: 0094 Czech Republic: 0154 Switzerland: 0183 Austria: 0028 |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyName |
InvoiceAccount.Name |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PostalAddress |
Invoice.InvoiceAddress |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyTaxScheme.cbc:CompanyID |
InvoiceAccount.TaxRegNr |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyTaxScheme.cac:TaxScheme.cbc:ID |
"VAT" |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyLegalEntity.cbc:RegistrationName |
InvoiceAccount.Name |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyLegalEntity.cbc:CompanyID |
InvoiceAccount.Organization number |
Scheme ID is depending on the address of the Invoice account Sweden: 0007 Norway: 0192 Denmark: 0184 Finland: 0037 Netherlands: 0106 Belgium: 0208 UK: 0089 Ireland: 0089 Germany: 0094 Czech Republic: 0154 Switzerland: 0183 Austria: 0028 |
cac:AccountingCustomerParty.cac:Party.cac:Contact.cbc:Name |
Invoice.YourReference |
cac:PaymentMeans.cbc:PaymentMeansCode |
Name: "Credit Transfer", Value: "30" For Danish suppliers, Non FIK: Name: "Payment to bank account", Value = "42" For Danish suppliers with FIK: Name: "FIK payment", Value: "93"
cac:PaymentMeans.cbc:PaymentID |
Invoice.OCRNumber if available, othereise Invoice.InvoiceNumber |
OCR also includes KID, FIK and Finnish reference number |
cac:PaymentMeans.cac:PayeeFinancialAccount.cbc:ID |
LegalEntity.Bankaccount |
If Bankgiro is filled in on LegalEntity and Invoice is in SEK, this is used instead |
cac:PaymentMeans.cac:PayeeFinancialAccount.cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch.cbc:ID |
LegalEntity.BIC |
If Bankgiro is filled in on LegalEntity and Invoice is in SEK, value is "SE:BANKGIRO" |
cac:PaymentTerms.cbc:Note |
Invoice.PaymentTerm.Description |
cac:TaxTotal.cbc:TaxAmount |
Invoice.TaxAmount |
cac:TaxSubtotal.cbc:TaxableAmount |
Sum of Subtotal Amounts for Tax category |
cac:TaxSubtotal section is repeated for each tax category on the invoice |
cac:TaxSubtotal.cbc:TaxAmount |
Sum of Tax Amounts for Tax category |
cac:TaxSubtotal.cac:TaxCategory.cbc:ID |
"E" when Tax amount = 0, "Z" when subtotal = 0, otherwise "S" |
cac:TaxSubtotal.cac:TaxCategory.cbc:Percent |
Tax percent for the Tax category |
cac:TaxSubtotal.cac:TaxCategory.cac:TaxScheme.cbc:ID |
"VAT" |
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal.cbc:LineExtensionAmount |
Invoice.SubtotalAmount |
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal.cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount |
Invoice.SubtotalAmount |
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal.cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount |
Invoice.TotalAmount-RoundingAmount |
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal.cbc:PayableRoundingAmount |
Invoice.RoundingAmount |
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal.cbc:PayableAmount |
Invoice.TotalAmount |
cac:InvoiceLine.cbc:ID |
InvoiceLine.LineNumber |
cac:InvoiceLine.cbc:InvoicedQuantity |
1 |
cac:InvoiceLine.cbc:LineExtensionAmount |
InvoiceLine.ServicePeriodStartDate |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:InvoicePeriod |
InvoiceLine.ServicePeriodEndDate |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:Item.cbc:Name |
InvoiceLine.ProductName, InvoiceLine.Description |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:Item.cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory.cbc:ID |
"E" when Tax amount = 0, "Z" when subtotal = 0, otherwise "S" |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:Item.cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory.cbc:Percent |
Tax percent for the Tax category |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:Item.cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory.cac:TaxScheme.cbc:ID |
"VAT" |
cac:InvoiceLine.cac:Price |
InvoiceLine.SubTotalAmount |