This article describes how you connect Younium to Exact online.
Log in to Younium, go to "Settings" and subsection "Integrations". Click on "Exact online".
To set up a new integration, click "Get started".
Click "Validate".
You are now presented with an Exact Online log-in screen.
Log in with your exact online credentials.
If the login was successful you will be redirected back to Younium with an active integration to Exact online.
Export Accounts from Younium to Exact Online
Younium can export Accounts (Customers) to Exact Online, the following information are exported:
Younium | Exact Online |
Name | Name |
Currency code | SalesCurrency |
Our reference |
Invoice email | |
Organization number | Chamber of commerce |
Tax Reg Number | VATNumber |
Payment term name |
Invoice address | Invoice address |
Delivery address | Delivery address |
Posting invoices from Younium to Exact Online
When posting invoice to Exact Online, Younium will fetch the reference to the created Exact invoice back and store on the Younium invoice. Depending on the setting in Exact when invoice number is created, upon Entry or Print, Younium will get either the Invoice number or the Order number as reference.
Price and Quantity mapping
If neither of "Use static quantity" or "Map Younium list price as net price in Exact" is enabled, the following mappings are done from Younium to Exact Online:
Quantity: Quantity
Unit price & Net price: Subtotal/Quantity
Use static quantity
When using this setting, Quantity is always set to one (1) and unit price and net price in Exact Online is set to invoice line subtotal from Younium.
Map Younium list price as net price in Exact
When using this setting, the following mappings are done on the invoices lines from Younium to Exact Online:
Unit price: List price
Net price: Price (after discount)
The mapping is only done if the invoice line subtotal in Younium is the same as the Quantity multiplied with the Net price (rounded to two decimals)