The Salesforce connector allows for the following integration points with Younium:
- Synchronization of customer accounts from Salesforce to Younium
- Transferring closed opportunities, including both new deals and change orders from Salesforce to Younium
- Manual renewals of Subscription from Salesforce to Younium
- Cancellation of Subscriptions from Salesforce to Younium
- Synchronization of Subscription data from Younium to Salesforce
- Synchronization of Invoice data from Younium to Salesforce
Salesforce Enterprise license is required for the Younium Integration.
Start by downloading our latest package for the Salesforce:
Release notes can be found on this link: Release notes
Reproduce the following steps to complete the integration between Salesforce and Younium.
Step 1:
Create connected app
In Salesforce, open in Settings "Apps">"App Manager". Select "New Connected App".
Enter the basic information (Name, API Name, Contact email) with values of your choice.
Select "Enable OAuth settings", in "Callback URL, enter:
or if connecting to Younium Sandbox:
In "Selected OAuth Scopes", add the following scopes:
"Manage user data via APIs" and "Perform actions at any time".
Make sure "Require Secret for Web Server Flow" is checked
Make sure to turn off “Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows”
Save your app and you will have access to the Consumer Key and Secret that is used when connecting to Salesforce from Younium.
Add remote site settings
After downloading the package, being logged in to your Salesforce environment, go to Setup -> 'Quick Find' -> Type 'Remote Site Settings'.
In Remote Site Settings, press 'New Remote Site'.
Enter the Younium environment URL that you want to connect to as "Remote Site URL". For instance: http://apisandbox.younium.com (For Production remove the word "sandbox")
Step 2:
After connecting to a Remote Site, you would need to create a Named Credential.
In Setup -> 'Quick Find' -> 'Named Credentials' -> New Named Credential.
Here you would need to create two Named Credentials, one Called YouniumApi and the other one called YouniumLogin.
Obs. The name is Case Sensitive, therefore be careful how you spell it.
URL for YouniumApi:
- Production: https://api.younium.com
- Sandbox: https://api.sandbox.younium.com
URL for YouniumLogin:
- Production: https://younium-identity-server.azurewebsites.net
- Sandbox https://younium-identity-server-sandbox.azurewebsites.net
Username and Password should be the credentials used for the tenant in Younium. Make sure that you have the correct username and password or else the connection will not be successful.
Step 3:
Legal Entities.
You need to setup your legal entities in Salesforce and connect it to the Younium Legal Entity.
In Salesforce press on the top left corner (as shown in the picture):
Search for 'Younium Legal Entities' -> 'New'.
Give the 'LE' a name and the ID will be found in Younium.
Being logged into Younium, press on Reports and follow the steps shown in the picture below.
After you've received the ID for the Legal Entity, feel free to paste it in the Legal Entity ID field in Salesforce when creating your Legal Entity.
Step 4:
Now after successfully setting up the connector, you can continue setting up the page layouts for the Younium fields and related lists in Salesforce. There is also a ready to use Younium App in Salesforce that includes tabs and page layouts to get started quickly.
Field mappings
Customer accounts
The Accounts in Salesforce marked with a Legal entity and the checkbox "Synch to Younium" set will automatically synch with Younium. There is a trigger in Salesforce that immediately synch changes on the Account to Younium
When synching Accounts from Salesforce to Younium, the following fields are mapped: (any custo fields has been automatically created when installing the integration package)
Salesforce | Younium | Comment |
Name | Name | |
Id | Salesforce Id and ExternalCRMId | |
Currency |
Currency |
ElectronicInvoiceAddress | E-invoice address | |
Your reference | Your reference | |
Our reference | Our reference | |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number | |
Organization number | Organization number | |
Invoice email | Invoice email | |
Invoice CC email | Invoice CC email | |
Tax template | Tax template | |
Invoice template | Invoice template | |
Payment term | Payment term | |
Invoice delivery method | Invoice delivery method | |
Accounts receivable account | Accounts receivable account | |
ExternalERPId | ExternalERPId | |
Billing address | Default Invoice address | |
Shipping address | Default delivery address |
Closed opportunities
Closed opportunities can be synched to Younium as new or change order by either using the flow button "Send to Younium" on the Opportunity or automatically by using the invocable action "Send to Younium (V2)" that can be used in flows.
The following fields are mapped from Opportunity in Salesforce to Order in Younium:
Salesforce | Younium | Comment |
Account | Account | |
Invoice account | Invoice account | If empty Account is mapped |
Buyer reference | Buyer reference | |
Change type | New Order or Change, defines what operation to perform in the integration | |
Currency code | Currency code | |
Subscription type | Subscription type | |
Auto renewal | Auto renewal | |
Effective start date | Effective start date | Only for new orders |
Effective change date | Effective change date |
Only for change orders |
Initial term | Initial term |
Notice period | Notice period | |
Renewal term | Renewal term |
Your reference | Your reference |
Our reference | Our reference |
Your order number | Your order number |
Order date | Order date |
The following fields are mapped from Opportunity line items in Salesforce to Order products/charges in Younium:
Salesforce | Younium | Comment |
Younium charge name | Charge name | |
Unit of measure | Unit of measure | |
Quantity | Quantity | |
Charge type | Charge type | |
Model | Model | |
Start on | Start on | |
Effective start date | Effective start date | |
End on | End on | |
Effective end date | Effective end date | |
Price period | Price period | |
Billing period | Billing period | |
Remarks | Remarks | |
UnitPrice | Price |
Tiered and volume pricing are supported, the pricing tiers are stored in custom object in Salesforce that is linked to the opportunity line item.
Custom field mapping
You can also add your own Custom Fields in Younium and map them to your own Custom Field in Salesforce.
Custom field mapping is done in Salesforce under Settings > Custom metadata types
Click "Manage records"
Then you see a page with configuration parameters for the integration. The field mappings are tagged with the field "Setting type" = "Field mapping".
To create a new mapping, select "New". To edit an existing mapping, click "Edit" on the corresponding line". This will open the configuration record:
Label: Use anything you want to describe the mapping
Younium setting name: Use anything you want to describe the mapping
Younium field: The custom field "key" in Younium
Saleforce field: The API name of the field in Salesforce
Setting type: "Field mapping"
Legal entity: Leave blank
Config value: Leave blank
Younium object: What object is the mapping for, available options:
- Account: Mapping a field in the synch of Accounts from Salesforce to Younium
- Order: Mapping a field from the Salesforce Opportunity to Younium Order in the synch from Salesforce to Younium
- Order charge:Mapping a field from the Salesforce Opportunity Product to Younium Order product charge in the synch from Salesforce to Younium
- Younium Order: Mapping a field from Younium Order to Salesforce Younium Order object in the synch from Younium to Salesforce
- Younium Order charge: Mapping a field from Younium Order Product charge to Salesforce Younium Order charge object in the synch from Younium to Salesforce
Synchronization of product prices to custom pricebooks
By default, Younium synchronized products and prices to Salesforce into a pricebook named "Younium - [Legal entity name]". It is however possible to customize what pricebook a certain product should be synched to.
Step 1: Synchronize the pricebooks to Younium custom field list. Do this by browsing to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce and check Pricebook and click Synchronize.
Step 2: Make sure there is a custom field on "Charge" for the Pricebook configuration. Verify that this custom field is created in your Younium legal entity, if not create it. Make sure key is exactly "integrationSalesforcePricebook".
Step 3: Go to the product charges in Younium and set the pricebook you wish to use.
After this is done, notice that your products are synched to the configured products.
Create Change Order Opportunity
On the object Younium Order there is a button "Create change order" that is used to created a Chante Order opportunity that is linked to the existing Subscription. When creating the Opportunity, you can chose what current order products to bring along to the new Opportunity.
When creating the new Opportunity, the following data are mapped:
Younium Order | Opportunity |
Pricebook field on Younium Order, if empty it takes the first pricebook linked to the legal entity of the Order | Pricebook |
Account | Account |
Selected when creating the Opportunity | Close date |
Selected when creating the Opportunity | Stage |
Selected when creating the Opportunity | Effective change date |
Selected when creating the Opportunity | Name |
Auto renewal | Auto renewal |
Currency | Currency |
"Change Order" | Younium Order type |
Younium Order number | Younium Order number |
Younium Order Id | Younium Order Id |
Younium Order charges | Opportunity line items |
"Change" | Younium type |
Younium__SF_Prod_ID__c | Product |
Billing period | Billing period |
Order product number | Order product number |
Order charge number | Order charge number |
Price | UnitPrice |
Quantity | Quantity |
Price period | Price period |
Charge name | Charge name |
Charge model |
Charge model |
Customizing Opportunity Product selector
It is possible to customize the tables in the Product selector that is used on Opportunities.
The tables "Product picker charge table" and "Product picker existing table" are configured separately. The latter is the bottom table that lists the saved opportunity products whereas the "Product picker charge table" configures the table that is visible when you add new products to the opportunity.
Configuration is made in Settings > Build > Develop > Custom metadata types. You find here the Custom metadata type "Younium table column".
The records have settings for Label, Width, Read only, Sort order and Active column. The field "Field name" defines the field name from Opportunity Line items. You can add new records to the Custom metadata type if you want to add your own custom columns in the table.