Standard HubSpot Company → Younium Account Mapping
Younium = Hubspot:
hubspotCompanyId = "companyId"
name = "name"
domain = "domain"
Address Fields:
street = "address"
street2 = "address2"
zip = "zip"
state = "state"
country = "country"
city = "city"
description = "description"
Custom Younium Fields in Hubspot:
orgNr = "younium_org_nr"
taxRegNr = "younium_tax_reg_nr"
invoiceEmail = "younium_invoice_email"
Standard HubSpot Deal → Younium Order Mapping
Younium Custom fields
Account = associatedCompanyId
Order = associatedObjectId
Hubspot deal (Hubspot → Younium)
Order.IsAutoRenewed = younium_auto_renewal
Order.RenewalTerm = younium_renewal_term
Order.Term = younium_initial_term
Order.Description = dealname
Order.OrderDate = closedate
Order.EffectiveStartDate = younium_order_effective_start_date
Hubspot deal line item
Order currency = hs_line_item_currency_code (must be the same of all line items)
charge.EffectiveStartDate = hs_recurring_billing_start_date
charge.BillingPeriod = properties.recurringbillingfrequency
charge.PricePeriod = properties.recurringbillingfrequency
If discount exist
orderChargeDetails.ListPrice.Amount =
orderChargeDetails.Price.Amount =
If not
orderChargeDetails.Price.Amount =
Its also possible to synch custom fields from Younium to Hubspot*
Hubspot Product
RecordID (hidden value in Hubspot fetched by exporting products to xls)—> External CRM ID
Quote Fields Younium from HubSpot Deal:
When creating a quote in Younium from a deal in HubSpot, the account will be created as a customer type 'prospect' if the account does not already exist in Younium. If the quote is converted to order, the account will be updated to customer type 'Customer' if not already that type.
Younium = HubSpot
Delivery Address Fields:
street = "younium_delivery_street1"
street2 = "younium_delivery_street2"
zip = "younium_delivery_zip"
state = "younium_delivery_state"
country = "younium_delivery_country"
county = "younium_delivery_county"
city = "younium_delivery_city"
Legal entity in Younium = "younium_legal_entity" (for creating the quote from the HubSpot deal in the correct Younium legal entity)
When pressing "Update HubSpot Deal" in Younium, the deal in HubSpot is updated with the TCV (Total Contract Value) on the quote.
Custom mapping of fields
You can set up mapping of custom fields from HubSpot Company to Younium Account and HubSpot Deal to Younium Quote.
If you want to map custom fields, you have to set up the synchronization in three steps:
- Create the field in HubSpot (if not already created/existing as a standard field)
- Create the field in Younium (if not already created)
- Specify the field to be synchronized in the HubSpot integration settings in Younium
When creating the field in HubSpot, make sure you create a field with a type that is supported in Younium:
Younium = HubSpot
Text = Single-line text
Number = Number
Checkbox = Single checkbox
Date = Date picker
List = Dropdown select
Remember the Internal name of the field in Hubspot as it's needed to map the field to Younium.
Create the field with the same field type as the field in HubSpot, and enter the internal name from the HubSpot to the key of the field in Younium.
If you create a list field, make sure that the values of the list items in your list in Younium are the same as the Internal Value of the values in the dropdown select in HubSpot. The mapping is "Internal Value" in HubSpot to "Value" in Younium for list items.
Enter the key/internal name into the field in HubSpot settings, found in Settings->Integrations->HubSpot->Map HubSpot Custom Fields
Example of a custom field with the type list mapped HubSpot-Younium:
Custom field list found in Settings -> General -> Custom field lists
Custom fields found in Settings -> General -> Custom fields
Hubspot integration mappings found in Settings -> Integration -> Hubspot
Example: Mapping of Payment term from Hubspot to Younium
To map Payment term from Hubspot company to Younium Account perform the following two tasks:
1. Add custom property of type list in Hubspot for the payment term options
The "Internal value" should match the "Name" field for the payment terms in Younium. You find the list of payment terms in Younium at Settings > Accounts receivable > Payment terms:
2. Add the custom mapping in Younium
Map the payment term property in Hubspot to the payment term name field in Younium:
Go to Settings > Integrations > Hubspot. Click "Add" under "Company/Account custom mappings":
After clicking "Save" the payment term will be part of the company synching between Hubspot and Younium.